October 20, 2024

Ngoc Ellias

Holiday Cheer

Festivals of Asia

Festivals of Asia


You’ll never get bored of Asia. There’s always something going on: festivals, religious celebrations, and even just special events that make life interesting. The following are some of the best Asian festivals to experience:

Festivals of Asia

Loy Krathong

Loy Krathong is a Thai festival that takes place annually on the first full moon of the twelfth month in the traditional Thai lunar calendar. The festival is celebrated by floating flower baskets, known as krathongs, on a river or a pond.

In modern times, Loy Krathong has become commercialized and now involves fireworks displays at nightfall over water bodies all over Thailand. However, its origins lie with ancient rituals practiced by communities living along riverside areas who would make offerings to Buddha during this time period each year.


Songkran is a Buddhist holiday that celebrates the Thai New Year and takes place from April 13 to 15. The celebration is a time for family and friends to come together, and it’s also an opportunity to give back by donating food or money to those in need.

The main event of Songkran is called “tossing water,” which can mean anything from splashing each other with buckets of water (a tradition practiced in Thailand) to just tossing some on your friends’ faces (the custom followed by many foreigners). This latter practice is especially popular among young people because they use it as an excuse for some good old-fashioned fun!

If you’re planning on visiting Bangkok during this time of year, be sure not only see all its attractions but also take part in its biggest festival: Songkran!


Obon is a Buddhist festival that celebrates the dead. It takes place in mid-July, and it commemorates the return of ancestors to their families’ homes. The word “bon” means “to honor,” and this holiday also marks the beginning of summer in Japan.

The Obon festival dates back to ancient times when people believed that spirits returned to earth during this time each year, bringing good fortune with them. Today it’s more commonly known as a time when family members get together after months apart, but many still believe that visiting your ancestors’ gravesites will bring them happiness and peace–and help secure your own happiness for years to come!

Chaya Festival

The Chaya Festival is celebrated in November, when the harvest is at its peak and the bounty of the earth is at its most bountiful. It’s a time for people to pray for a good harvest in the coming year. The celebration includes parades and dancing around an effigy of an old man who represents greediness.

Phuket Vegetarian Festival

The Phuket Vegetarian Festival is a celebration of the Buddhist faith and it’s held every October. The festival lasts for 10 days, with processions, parades and festivities taking place throughout the city. The highlight is undoubtedly the food — most notably a spicy dish called “khao pad” (rice cakes). It’s famous for its culture as well as its food!

Huai Namkham Waterfall Festivals

The Huai Namkham Waterfall Festivals are a great opportunity to relax and enjoy the scenery of Laos’ Khammouane province. These festivals take place in February each year, when visitors can see traditional Laotian dance performances and listen to folk music from across the country.

The falls themselves are quite beautiful, with their white water cascading down into pools of clear blue water below them; they’re one of Laos’ top tourist attractions for good reason!

Gawai Dayak Harvest Festival

The Gawai Dayak Harvest Festival is a celebration of the bountiful harvest in Sarawak, Malaysia. It lasts five days and is held at the end of May or beginning of June. The celebration is a time of thanksgiving, as well as an opportunity for families to come together and catch up on news from one another.

The festival gets its name from “gawai,” which means “to make noise” in local dialects (and also refers to a type of tree). During this time every year, members of different communities gather together at their village’s communal house where they dance around an effigy made out of bamboo sticks wrapped with leaves called “pahang”–a symbol representing abundance and fertility. This tradition dates back hundreds if not thousands years ago when it was believed that each household had its own pahang so everyone could share food during times when there wasn’t enough food available locally due either because bad weather conditions prevented crops from being grown successfully enough each year or because someone died leaving no one behind who could farm anymore on their own property alone without help from others nearby neighbors living nearby too far away

Golden Temple Fair, Thailand

As the name suggests, this fair takes place at the Wat Phra Kaew temple in Bangkok. The first weekend in May is when you’ll find it and it’s a major tourist attraction for Thailand. It has been held since 1819 and is over 100 years old!

The Golden Temple Fair is one of those festivals that has everything–food stalls, cultural performances and even rides for kids! You can also buy souvenirs here too like clothes or jewelry made from gold leaf which gives them their name “Golden Temple”.

If you’re looking for something unique to do while visiting Thailand then look no further than this wonderful festival!

There are many festivals to experience in Asia.

There are many festivals to experience in Asia. In fact, there’s one for every month of the year! The best way to experience these events is by taking part in them yourself. And while they may seem strange or even uncomfortable at first glance, they’re actually an important part of each culture’s history and identity.


There are many festivals to experience in Asia. We hope that this article has given you a good idea of the diversity of celebrations that can be found across the continent. Whether you want to witness a colourful parade or join in on an ancient ritual, there’s something for everyone!