October 19, 2024

Ngoc Ellias

Holiday Cheer

Food Culture in Europe

Food Culture in Europe


Food is a staple of every culture, and no place is this more apparent than Europe. The continent is home to an incredible variety of food, from its famous cuisines like French and Italian to less well-known locales like Danish. Whether you’re looking for something traditional or daringly modern, you’ll find it in Europe—and we’re going to cover some of our favorites here!

Food Culture in Europe

The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet is a diet that has been around for many years. It’s based on the foods that are grown in the Mediterranean region, which includes southern Europe and North Africa. This type of diet is considered to be healthy, because it can help you lose weight and lower your risk for heart disease and diabetes.

The Mediterranean Diet includes lots of fish, vegetables (cooked or raw), whole grains like bulgur wheat or couscous–and very little red meat or dairy products like cheese or yogurt.

Food in Spain

In Spain, food is a big deal. The Spanish eat late and often–and they make sure that their meals are memorable. One of the most famous dishes from Spain is paella (a rice dish with chicken or seafood), but another popular option is tapas (small plates of food). Tapas can include anything from olives to chorizo sausage, which is made with pork and smoked over oak wood for three months! Another favorite in this region is pisto manchego (tomato stew).

Other dishes you’ll find throughout Europe:

  • Jamón serrano – cured ham that has been aged for at least two years; often served as part of an appetizer platter with olives and cheese
  • Sherry – a fortified wine drunk before dinner; its flavor comes from being aged in barrels made out of American or European oak trees

Food in Italy and France

Italian food is generally very simple and fresh. Pasta, pizza and risotto are the most common dishes you’ll find in an Italian restaurant. French food is more complex and refined; it’s known for its use of meat, cheese and bread as main ingredients.

Italian food isn’t spicy at all (unless you ask for extra chili flakes on your pizza). In France however there’s a lot more variety when it comes to spices used in cooking – they even have their own version of hot sauce called “Aioli” which is made from garlic cloves!

German Cuisine

German cuisine is very diverse and rich, with many different regional specialties. You can find traditional German dishes in most restaurants, and they’re usually served with a side of bread or pretzels.

The best known foods from Germany include sausages (especially bratwurst), schnitzel (meat pounded thin and fried), apple strudel (pastry filled with apples), mulled wine or gluhwein (spiced hot wine), potato salad and cabbage rolls stuffed with beef or pork.

Scandinavian Cuisine

Scandinavian cuisine is very similar to Danish and Swedish cuisine. Norwegian food is simple and straightforward, with a strong focus on fish and seafood. It’s also famous for its cheese, particularly Gjetost–a sweet cheese made from goat’s milk that looks like caramel but tastes like heaven in your mouth.

Norwegians love their coffee; they drink more coffee per capita than any other country in the world!


There are so many different kinds of food in Europe, and each country has its own unique dishes. However, there are some commonalities among them all. For example, most European countries have a tradition of eating fish on Fridays during Lent (the period before Easter).