October 20, 2024

Ngoc Ellias

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Traditions in America

Traditions in America


America is a country filled with many traditions. This list will give you an idea of some of the biggest ones you might want to take part in:

Traditions in America

The Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is a festive holiday that celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It’s also a time to reflect on our country’s history, as well as its future.

The Fourth can be celebrated in many ways: through fireworks displays, parades and picnics with friends and family members. Or you can take part in one of many other traditions such as visiting cemeteries where veterans who fought for freedom are buried; having barbecues; attending outdoor concerts; watching baseball games; playing games such as horseshoes or badminton; listening to patriotic music like “The Star-Spangled Banner” (also known as “The National Anthem”) played by orchestras around town; visiting museums which feature exhibits about what happened during America’s founding years or even just relaxing at home while reading books about these important events!


Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks. Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Thanksgiving?

It’s a holiday that reminds us to be thankful for all the good things in our lives, such as friends and family members who love us. It also reminds us to think about those who are less fortunate than ourselves and remember them during this special time of year.

There are many ways that you can show your gratitude on this day: maybe by volunteering at your local soup kitchen or shelter; or picking up litter along the side of the road; or helping out with a child’s school project; any kind of act will do!

Another thing that Americans do every year around Thanksgiving is eat food! We eat turkey because it’s delicious (and because turkeys are american), stuffing because it goes well with everything else on your plate, mashed potatoes because they’re creamy goodness mixed with carbs…and gravy!

Black Friday

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving, and it’s one of the biggest shopping days of the year. It’s also a time for deals on electronics and clothes–and appliances!

If you’re looking for something specific or just want to get into the spirit of things, here are some ideas:

Labor Day

Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States that celebrates the American labor movement. It is celebrated on the first Monday in September and was created as part of a compromise between President Grover Cleveland and Congress to proclaim an official day for celebrating labor.

The date was chosen as it marks an important milestone in U.S. history: On September 5, 1882, thousands of workers went on strike across Chicago to protest their working conditions at factories and mills during what became known as “The Great Upheaval”. These events eventually led to citywide strikes involving tens-of-thousands of workers who demanded higher wages and better working conditions (including safer conditions).

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May. It’s a day to remember those who have died in military service, especially those who have been killed or wounded during conflicts since World War II. The date was chosen because it coincides with the anniversary of the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (1863).

On Memorial Day, Americans usually visit cemeteries and memorials where they can pay their respects to soldiers who died while serving their country. Many people also attend ceremonies honoring veterans at schools and churches throughout this weekend-long observance that lasts from May 25th through 28th (depending on where you live).

It’s important that children understand why we observe Memorial Day: so we never forget those who made great sacrifices for us!


Christmas is a time for family, friends and giving gifts. It’s also the most important celebration of Christianity. The word Christmas comes from the old English term Cristes Maesse (Christ’s Mass), which was first used in Aelfric’s homily Cristsmasse (990).

Christmas Day falls on December 25th every year as it has since before the birth of Jesus Christ in 4 BC. It started out as a pagan holiday celebrating winter solstice with feasts and rituals involving trees decorated with apples and candles representing fertility, light and hope.

Over time Christians adopted some of these traditions but added their own meaning by using evergreen trees instead of oak ones because they believed this represented eternal life after death – something that was very important to them as well as having lights around them at night so people could find their way home safely without getting lost in darkness!

These are some of the biggest holidays in America.

The Fourth of July is a federal holiday that celebrates independence. It’s also known as Independence Day and falls on July 4th, every year. The day started out as an occasion to celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence by colonists in 1776, but it has become more than just that over time–it’s now an annual opportunity for Americans to gather together with family, friends, and neighbors to commemorate their nation’s history through parades and fireworks displays!


The United States is a country that has a lot of traditions. From holidays like the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas to events like Black Friday and Memorial Day, America loves celebrating its history with family and friends. These celebrations help us remember those who fought for our freedom and honor their sacrifices by living each day as if it were their last.